NOT an April fools joke that I'm posting...

I know I have very few readers, but I'm ok with that.  This blog has been so valuable to ME that I can't imagine what I would do without it.  I can pull it up on my phone just by googling it and have all my favorite recipes right there with me in the kitchen.  LOVE it!

That being said, I have to keep posting or I won't have what I need! haha!

Last week was one of those weeks where no matter what I did, dinner just didn't get cooked.  We were busy and I didn't have good enough plans that could weather the schedule.

This week WILL be different!  I have a great menu planned and have all my ingredients and it was a SPLENDID produce basket from so I'm READY for this week! (and it's a wee bit less busy which will also help)

Here is my menu plan for the week:

Mexican Lasagna
Beef roast
pressure cooker baby back ribs

That's it because Thursday we have dinner plans and Friday is my new week to plan for.  I did cook Friday, Saturday and Sunday as well, I just didnt' post about it.

Friday - I cooked chicken breasts in the pressure cooker and picked up tortillas, refried beans and chips and salsa at Rosa's to go with.  That was the best I could do and it worked out really well.

Saturday - I made sloppy joes which was perfect because everyone had different schedules so they could grab a sandwich and some fruit whenever they needed to.

Sunday - Happy Easter! We had some yummy ribeye steaks (splurge!) with grilled asparagus, mashed potatoes and fresh cut pineapple.  It was delicious!

Ok, onto this week!

I got some zuchinni in my basket.  My oldest daughter is in charge of family home evening tonight and requested banana bread for our treat.  I have talked her into zuchinni bread instead.  Yay!  I have never made it or eaten it but have heard it's yummy so we will try it.  I found this recipe:

Mom's Zuchinni Bread

I also have a few apples left over from the basket 2 weeks ago.  They are ok still but feel I need to use them up since we have a ton of fresher produce now.  I thought about making apple pie or apple crisp or applesauce, but then I remembered how much the kids LOVE muffins and wanted to find an apple muffin recipe.  I'm excited!

Whole Wheat Apple Muffins

Breakfast this week is muffins, strawberries, yogurt, cereal, etc.

Here's to this week!



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