Update on monthly menu and cake link

The monthly menu has gone very well.  It's been a good learning experience and I do believe I will continue with this idea next month.  I found it smart to do my monthly menu in pencil as I have had to go through and tweak it here and there.  If I knew the schedule was changing I would go and switch things around to better fit the schedule.  It's still a great thing though because I know what I have ingredients for and so I just switch things around.  I do think I've spent more than I planned on already.  I think the reason why is when I go to grab milk I think of other things i need and grab them rather than just going without.  Also, I've been in the mood to cook and bake.  With the pressure off of having to figure out what to make every day, cooking has become more fun again. :)  Overall it's a great step in the right direction.

Sunday I found out that my oldest daughter needed to take a dessert Wednesday (today) night to church.  Of course I wouldn't have known this ahead of time when I was menu planning, but with pantry items on hand a dessert can easily be made.  This is why I chose the dessert over salad.  So, my plan is to make a chocolate cake, the one from everydayfoodstorage.net made with beans instead of oil.  It's super yummy, uses almost ALL food storage from my pantry and is low fat due to using beans instead of oil.  A win, win!  However, everytime I go to pull up this amazing recipe it's kinda hard to find.  Today, I'm going to link it here so I never have that problem again.  This link goes to a pdf that has other mixes as well.  I usually make the one bowl recipe for this chocolate cake, but you can make up the mix ahead of time for quicker use.


The only other mix from that page that I have tried is the yellow cake and we didn't like it.  But the chocolate cake is yummo! :)


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