2011 Garden Update May 5th

IMG_3262First harvest of the season!  I was watering my tomato plants and saw some bright red peaking threw and lo and behold, TWO gorgeous cherry tomatoes just waiting to be picked!  I saved one for my daughter who eats tomatoes like candy and one for my husband.  They both enjoyed them immensely! Smile

IMG_3267IMG_3268I have pea pods!  I can’t believe it!  I am soo very excited for these to plum up so I can pick them.  I think it’s important with peas to get them in early and enjoy them before it gets too hot.  My peas in years past haven’t done well if I wait too long to plant.


IMG_3270IMG_3272Look at all the glorious tomatoes just waiting to ripen up.  I am very exited, especially since tomatoes are soo dang expensive right now!

IMG_3274IMG_3271IMG_3273My spinach and lettuce are coming along nicely as well which is exciting.  I’ve tried every every year with lettuce and I just haven’t had much success.  I am going to clip some baby leaves off the lettuce soon to see if that helps it to keep growing and producing.IMG_3275Cantaloupe is doing well, I just need to buy one more plant so it can cross pollinate.


IMG_3278Can you believe these potato plants?  I’m super excited to harvest these.  It has been a very fun experiment.  The only thing that hasn’t grown in the bins so far is the herbs.  I don’t think it has anything to do with the bins though.

So there you have it! That’s how my garden is growing in 2011.  I think it’s my most successful year so far!  I have been having several weeds in the garden area, so I’d love to do some sort of ground cover in years to come.  However, for limited time and money put into a garden, I think I’m reaping some great benefits so far!  Happy Gardening!


  1. I am so jealous of all the tomatoes you already have just waiting to turn red...I am frothing at the mouth..lol I also checked on my potatoes today dug one up. It was bad..lol..they were quarter size found out they needed a lot more fertilizer. Hope you have better success. How often do you fertilize your tomatoes?


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