April 14th Garden Update
Wow! My garden is really pleasing me so far this spring! It’s growing and growing and growing and I’m already seeing lots of harvest!!! Yay!!! Check out the pictures!
This is one of my bell pepper plants, with a bloom already! Soo excited!
Solar Fire Tomato plant in my large bed on the corner. See the tomato and all the blooms?!?!
I have lettuce and spinach, green beans and onions, all doing really well!
My second harvest green beans and extra onions!
My potato bins!!!! I can’t wait!
Green beans on the left and peas on the right, all doing really well!
My tomato plants. The only problem I think I’m having with my tomatoes it the one on the far left. It got really bushy before growing up and while there are fruit and blooms on the plant they are all really small. It’s a cherry tomato plant just like the one next to it. We will see.
My cantaloupe bin. I’m only worried because there is only one plant coming up and with cantaloupe you need at least 2 plants to cross pollinate. If I only get one plant to come up I guess I’ll have to go buy a plant to go with it.
So as you can see, my garden is growing very nicely!! Unfortunately so are the weeds in my garden area, ugggg, I need to get on that!
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