Garden 2011

It’s that time of year again!  Garden time!  I decided a couple weeks ago to head out and survey what shape my garden was in.  I had some frustrations last season and pretty much just gave up.  Bugs, bugs, bugs!  This year I plan on using a small amount of pesticide so I don’t lose my whole garden to bugs.

Because of the last seasons frustration my garden was found in this shape:


Needless to say the beds needed a lot of work before I could be ready to plant.  After A LOT of help from my wonderful husband and a little bit of help from my dog Casey (small bunny incident, hee hee) I’m happy to report my garden is planted! yay!!!  It now looks like this:


We still need to weed around the beds and such, but the idea was just to get it planted and go from there!

I like to add and try new things each year.  This year we are trying to grow some items in old storage bins.  My daughter drilled holes in the bottom and around the bottom edge of the bins.  We then added our soil mix and then planted right in the bins.  I have two bins full of potatoes, one bin with cantalope and one bin as an herb garden.


I’ll keep you posted on how my 2011 garden grows! Open-mouthed smile


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