2010 Garden...Spring is here!!!

It's garden time again! I've been working pretty hard to get my garden going again and I finally have most everything planted. I might do one more big box since we have a lot of compost leftover, but it would just be to try out some things we haven't before. We'll see.

Here is my big box from last year. I had left the strawberries from last year. They started out as 2 plants and have grown to several. They now take up an entire row and will probably grow more and more each year. They are already blooming and we should have fruit on them very soon! Yay!
On the top there I planted some onions. This year I used onion sets and they did much better than last years seeds. I also tried a few shallots. The shallots are growing much slower. I planted my onions in various ways. In two boxes I did them closer together so I could have some "green onions" and then further apart in one box so I could have some regular onions. I'm excited to see how they did. So far so good.
I planted two broccoli plants and then 4 squares of green beans by seed. I have 2 bell pepper plants planted, but haven't taken a new picture since then. That's about it for this box.

Here is two of our new boxes. My girls both wanted to get into the gardening fun. The smaller box is my oldest daughter's. She wanted to grow cantalope. I hear it does well here. The book said to plant one per 2 squares, however a friend said cantalope needed to be planted with at least 2 plants. I'm guessing they need to cross-pollinate. soooo...I need to find one more plant to throw into that box.
Here is the larger box from above picture. This is my younger daughter's box. She wanted to grow corn. I haven't heard of corn growing very well here, however I was able to pick these transplants up at the local store. My grandfather told us to be sure to plant at least 3 rows. So, we did 3 X 3. I went ahead and added a few spinach seeds and lettuce seeds since I figured the corn would give some great shade to those plants.

Here are my two other new boxes. My tomatoes did very well last year, but they were hard to get to being in the big box and they really took over the entire box. So this year, they have a single row box all to themselves! I planted 2 dark cherry tomato plants and 2 roma grape tomato plants. I just barely transplanted them and haven't taken a new picture yet. They went in the box to the right.
Last year my peas grew well and even gave some great pods. However it was shortlived since it got too hot too quickly. So, I planted my peas as early as I could and I am hoping that they do well. They also have a whole single row box to themselves so I hope they are easily accessible and do GREAT! :D

So that's it so far. I'm really excited to have my garden growing each year. My goal was to start small, learn as I went along and expand as I felt comfortable. I think I'm definitely doing that. Happy growing season!


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