Time to get Scheduled!

Well...I'm back down to only one child with me during the weekdays...which means...really I don't have any more excuses again for not having a clean house and a well scheduled day life! I have soooo many projects - inside and outside - that I really want to get done this fall. However, usually what happens is that the day to day stuff gets shuffled into last place while I do my projects and my house becomes a wreck! I seem to only be able to do ONE thing well at once. So I've put a lot of thought into what and how I want to accomplish it ALL! I think what I'm gonna do is get my organizing projects done first which will make those areas easier to keep clean and then I'll have the time to get the other projects done. It sounds GREAT in theory, but I wonder if it will really work? Only one way to find out.
For instance, I want to re-decorate the kids rooms and the playroom. My 6 year old's room doesn't "work" very well. She doesn't like the colors anymore, and the organization and flow of the room just isn't working. She has a bookcase in there and it always is just full of junk. Sometimes the junk falls on the floor and so when she cleans her room, she just puts the junk back up on the shelves, LOL! So, basically my plan is to tackle organizing her room first and then re-decorating.
My kitchen has been a real problem lately. My oldest daughter has recently taken over the daily responsibility of unloading the dishwasher. This has been a GREAT thing, but it has quickly pointed out organization problems in my kitchen. Things just don't fit well in the places they are in. I have things in my cupboards that are never used and somethings are up high that are accessed daily.
My closet - ugggg! I realized the other day that I have two HUGE bins in my closet full of old linens that I will seriously NEVER use again because they are so old and grungy. I need to get rid of them! The space I will get from that is amazing and I just need to do it!
The list goes on and on and it's all very similar to the above. You get the idea!
So, in between weekly church job presidency meetings, weekly volunteering at the kids school, soccer and choir practice, youth church meetings and other various committments...I plan to conquer all these projects by follow a schedule! Yep, a schedule. I'm not a very scheduled person by nature, but I've found over the years that schedules really work for me.
If I know I only have to work on a task for a set period of time, no big deal. Now, if I told myself I had to work on a task until it was finished, nope....I would sit and procrastinate forever. I'm so weird, but that's just me and afterall it's all about finding what works best for you, right?
So here is my daily schedule (with plenty of wiggle room)...

Monday - pick up, dust, vacuum, clean windows of living room and dining room; clear off dining room table; wash/dry/put away one load of dark laundry
Tuesday - Clean all bathrooms top to bottom; wash/dry/put away one load of light laundry
Wednesday - wash towels/linens and all bedding - re-make beds
Thursday - clean, dust, vacuum, declutter master bedroom; wash/dry/put away one load of dark laundry
Friday - Kitchen - clear off and wash counters, clean out and wash down fridge, wash trash can, clean sink, mop floor, clean windows; wash/dry/put away one load of light laundry
Saturday - oversee kids picking up their bedrooms, vacuum all 3 bedrooms; oversee kids cleaning playroom and vacuuming; wash/dry/put away white laundry

That's it - all of that each day shouldn't take me more than 1 hour and I can split that up into 15 minute increments if I'm having a bad day. My kids have pick/up chores every day, so the above is just to keep everything clean every week. That leaves me with at least another hour if not more to work on projects.

Tell me what you think?!?!?


  1. GREAT post!!! I love your daily schedule. I think I am going to steal it. :) What kind of chores do your kids do?

  2. I posted them in a new post! Thanks for reading!

  3. Love the daily schedule! My house is a complete disaster area......I am going to implement something like this. :)


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