Envelope Pillow Covers

This is a project that I have been wanting to do for a very long time. I even bought the materials for it at least a year ago! The idea was to make big pillows in three basic colors for the kids to have in the playroom to lounge on or read on, etc. I got some red, green and blue fabric and some big pillow forms when they were on sale.
I finally got around to making them tonight. I only got two done so far and since it's midnight here and I don't have the blue material cut out yet, I am giving up for the night. However, this was so easy that I will definitely pick it up and finish it very soon.
For the red pillow I used these instructions . In the end I do like how it turned out, but the instructions were hard to follow and you had to cut 3 different pieces of fabric.
For the green pillow I used these instructions . It was sooo much easier. I do wish that the envelope opening overlapped more like the red pillow, but that is easily fixed by cutting the fabric into a longer piece and then just overlapping more before the final sewing. So, the blue pillow will be done with the second instructions, but I will cut a longer piece of fabric so I have more of an overlap.
Aren't they pretty?
See how the red one overlaps more? Both are fine though.

Here is the envelope opening where you insert your pillow form. I'm so happy these can be washed so I don't have to worry about the kids using them. Afterall that's why I made them!
Yay me, I'm sewing!!!! :)


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