Here is how my garden is going...

Here is how my garden looks today! I added some plants that I purchased at the local nursery. The jalapeno plant is for my husband since he loves them, the cilantro sounded like fun and seemed useful. In the back right corner I added a cucumber plant since my transplant didn't make it. The strawberries are an experiment. I don't expect them to do very well since they are in full sun and two small plants won't produce much. But, I would love to have a berry box at some point (a 4X4 like this with only berry plants) so this is a good experiment to see how they do.

Below I took a close-up picture of the stem of my pole green bean plant that has made it. I was about to pull it up the other day because look how brown it is. However, my daughter noticed that there were new green leaves at the very end! The roots seem strong and obviously something is working, so I left it in! We'll see how it does, I have to give it a chance!
I also took a close-up picture of one of the tomato plants. I was very excited to see the first bloom!
My garden is bringing me a lot more joy and relaxation than I thought. It has inspired me to branch out and get busy on some of my front yard flower beds.
Thanks for following the progress of my first square foot garden! If you have any comments or suggestions, please leave them for me!


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