Blooming Garden!!!!!!
Warning: Picture Overload. I am very excited about all the blooming going on in my garden and I MUST share. :)
Strawberry Bloom
Strawberry Bloom
My new bell pepper plant is about to bloom.
My tomatoes. Those are only a couple of the MANY green ones I have.
My tomatoes. Those are only a couple of the MANY green ones I have.
My bush green beans are blooming.
My tomato plants are taking over my garden. I sat out at my garden today for awhile in the heat trying to decide how to handle the "problem" LOL! I'll let ya know what I come up with. Feel free to leave your suggestions as a comment for me as well.
Ok, Ray is my kind of gardener...LOL! I want to try out the topsy trvy, so let me know how well it does. Your garden looks awesome by the way.